December 10, 2024

December 10, 2024 is the Westside Wizards Annual Holiday Potluck Dinner and Show. Mark your calendar now and think about what you would like to bring. The Westside Wizards will provide the main course, drinks and paper goods. Be creative this holiday season. So, that we don’t get too many desserts, side dishes or appetizers, we are asking you to bring something from the chart below, depending on your last name:

Name Starts With:

A - C, Appetizer (Chips & Dips, Veggie Plate, etc.)
D - L, Dessert (Something Sweet)
M - R, Side Dish (Vegeteables, Pasta, etc.)
S - Z, Salad (Green Salad, Potato, Pasta, etc.)

Please make/bring enough to feed 6 to 8 people.
The OPICA kitchen will not be available for our use, so plan accordingly.
During cleanup, we need to dispose of our trash in the outside park trash cans. Please, no trash is to be left in the building. OPICA is gracious enough to allow us to use their facilities so let’s please respect their wishes. Thanks for your understanding.

After dinner, there will be a holiday themed show for anyone who would like to perform. This is the one time of the year where we open up the doors, and everyone is invited to attend this meeting. This includes your spouse/partners and family. If you are a guest, please bring a dish as outlined above, and there will be no charge. Otherwise, there is a $10 door charge.

RSVP to Les or Doris by email to by December 5. In order to adequately provide the main course, please let us know how many people will be in your party and what you plan to bring for the potluck. Thank you!